Your Role in Healing Process

The Key to Unlocking Your Transformation

For the best results from your session, your participation is the key.

I would like to take a moment and introduce you to this work. I have discovered that the more we understand what we need to do in order to heal and why we are doing it, the greater outcome we will produce.

In this work, we need to remember and believe that we are the creators of our lives by the combination of how we think and how we feel. Feelings are extremely important, so please understand that you are the one who has to feel if what I am offering you is what you need now.

Nobody may decide for you or push you on this path if you do not feel is for you at this time.

In order to get the maximum result from this work, you need to know, trust, and believe that you have the innate ability to heal yourself and be open and ready to allow the healing energy to flow through you and ignite the healer within You.

I am telling you this because I’ve made my mistakes in the past and learned from them.

The Importance of Belief and Understanding

I’ve helped people change their energy and access spontaneous healing, but those who were looking only to be free of symptoms and were not willing to understand who they are and work with themselves on the deeper energetic causes of their disease were not able to maintain the amazing results they had.

Willing to help people see the truth about healing—that there are no limits to healing and that healing may happen in moments—I was asking all the people I knew and even people on Facebook if they wanted to try these sessions for free.

I have never received money for what I was doing and thought I would do it this way for my entire life, but… as I was offering this for free, even people who didn’t understand and believe in energy healing agreed to try.

The problem is that people that were willing to do the session only because it's free and because wanted to see if they can get rid of their symptoms this way, did not have or maintain the desired results.

I didn’t know why this was happening. I supposed that healing would not work for people who didn’t believe it would, but I wasn’t able to explain why.

Lately, I found the answer.

We are the only ones who may put boundaries on our healing through what we feel, think, and do…

As long as we do not understand and believe in our ability to heal ourselves, that we have a crucial role in healing and maintaining our health we will never be able to heal.

EC coaching sessions are meant to help you become aware of and ignite the healer within you, to free yourself and create haven on earth.

My Journey to Healing

I’ve learned that in order to heal myself, I would have to feel already whole and complete and feel grateful for that. The problem for me was that I did not know how to feel Wholeness and Gratitude.

I wasn’t able to feel Whole and Complete, feel Love, Peace, Joy, or Gratitude.

Discovering Dr. Sue Morter and The Energy Codes was life-changing for me because I learned how to work with my body, mind and breath in order to be able to start to FEEL LOVE and to transform every feeling that was less than Love into PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and GRATITUDE.

Joy, Freedom, and perfect HEALTH have been a by product of this.

Are You Ready for Healing?

If you struggle with chronic symptoms and want to understand if this path is for you at this moment in your life, please ask yourself these questions:

Are you willing to give up the things that make you sick?

Are you interested in discovering yourself, becoming aware of your essence, and perceiving it?

Are you ready to work with yourself in order to embody the best version of yourself, embracing with Love and Faith all that this journey may bring to you?

Are you open to know, trust, and believe that the healer is within you?


Quantum science reveals that at the very foundation of existence, there is no actual substance—only energy held in different patterns.

Everything is energy: You are energy, the chair you sit on is energy, the food we eat is energy, thoughts, emotions, trauma, toxins, pathogens are energy…

We are 99.99999999% energy and only 0.00000001% matter.

This means that in order to truly heal our bodies and lives, we need to focus on energy.

The real healing is awakening—becoming aware that we are a Spirit who has created a body in order to navigate this life.

We need to be interested in discovering and revealing our magnificence, and as a byproduct of that, healing happens.

Energy Codes® Workshops and coaching sessions are designed to help you deepen this understanding, help you come to know what you didn’t know you knew, and embody this knowing.


We need to trust the innate capacity of our body to heal, regenerate, and rejuvenate itself and trust that our body loves us unconditionally and is always working in our favore.

We need to trust our heart, our feelings, and soften our mind in love.

We need to trust that everything that happens to us is what we really need in order to awaken and start to understand our wholeness and our power, that we are the ones who create our reality and if we do not like it we need to change in order to create a different one.


Your beliefs shape your reality.

Epigenetics shows us that our environment—not our genes—determines our experience and expression of health and well-being.

Our environment is influenced by thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Subconscious beliefs are especially powerful. They impact your life far more than conscious thoughts.

If your subconscious holds limiting beliefs, even your strongest conscious desires may not manifest.

For example, you could consciously decide to be healthy, but if your subconscious mind holds conflicting beliefs, they will block your progress. The good news?

You may change subconscious limiting beliefs and when you rewrite the software of your mind, you change yourself … and you change the world!

PSYCH-K® is the the simples, easiest, yet powerful process to quickly change subconscious beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging.

You may start work with your believe singing with Karen Drucker: Karen Drucker - Songs of the Spirit II.

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