Real Stories of Wellbeing & Transformation

Share You Story

If my work has touched your life in any way, I would deeply appreciate it if you could share your experience by leaving a testimonial. Your story could inspire and give hope to others who are still searching for healing.

Francesco, 40 Years Old, Italy

Francesco was taken to the emergency room after a piece of metal entered his eye while he was at work. He called me, saying he was scheduled for surgery to remove the metal. He was in severe pain and waiting for an X-ray to determine the position of the metal before extraction. My daughter and I immediately did a 10-minute session for him.

After the the session, we called him. His voice was full of wonder and emotion—he was amazed and almost unable to process what had just happened. In disbelief, he said:

“I was walking in the hospital when I felt a strong energy coming from under my feet, entering through the soles of my feet, going up my legs, through my body, and into my chest. When the energy reached my heart, I felt the splinter that was bothering me in my eye disappear—and the pain disappeared too. Now I only feel the discomfort from the wound it caused, but nothing more. My body is completely relaxed, and I know there is no longer any foreign piece in my eye.”

In a few hours Francesco had an X-ray, and to the doctors’ amazement, there was no longer any piece of metal in his eye. He didn’t need surgery, and within two days, his eye was perfectly fine again—without any specific treatment.

Robert, 13 Years Old, Romania

Robert was treated with two different antibiotics for Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus Group A, but the bacteria was still there. He was told to return to the hospital in one week for an antibiotic cocktail in an attempt to get rid of the bacteria.

His mom asked me for help. I did one session, and Robert felt very well. After one week, when Robert returned to the hospital, was tested for Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus Group A to determine which antibiotics may work—but the test results showed no streptococcus found.

Robert’s mother was amazed and could only respond with a message saying: “I can not believe it!!”

Photo of the test results before and after the therapy:

Chiara, 12 Years Old, Italy

My daughter, Elisabetta, wanted to help her friend.

For months, Chiara had been having problems with her foot. Despite using creams and other treatments she was prescribed, her foot kept getting worse, and she was struggling to put her ballet shoes on.

We did  a session together, and after 5 days, Chiara’s mother sent us a photo showing that her foot was healed. Photo here:

Izabela 54 years old, Italy

Izabela was scheduled for surgery for September 2023, to remove her ovary and uterus because of a cyst formed there. I met her at the end of August 2023, and she was very scared. I told her I could help, and she put her trust in me.

I did several session to help her balance the chemistry of her body.

In just two weeks, she was completely transformed and no longer felt any discomfort in her body. Her hair loss stopped, new hair started to grow and her skin improved. Fear also disappear and she felt in peace, empowered and so grateful for the choice she made.  The surgery was cancelled, and she is now doing great. She healed herself and her life has changed in every aspect.

Stefan, a Few-Month-Old Baby, Romania

He was in the hospital when his mom contacted me, 

7th of December 2022.  His arm was in a plaster cast, he was having high fever for days, he couldn’t sleep, and he was crying all the time.  The doctors were keeping him on antibiotics and paracetamol. They didn’t know the cause of the baby’s pain, suffering, and inflammation because they had not found any viruses or bacteria in the tests they ran.

They were planning to perform surgery to take tissue from his arm and do more tests.

I had the intuition about the cause of his condition. I did the session, and the same day Stefan no longer had fever and finally slept after days of continuous crying.

The surgery to remove tissue from his arm was no longer necessary.

Two days later, the plaster was removed, and before Christmas, on the 16th of December, I received a photo of Stefan at home with his brother—along with a few words from his mom:

“Thank you, Mona, for what you have done for us. God bless you, and I hope I will meet you one day to thank you in person!”

Ines, Germany

"…I asked Monica to work with me, and she started on the 26th of September. How should I put it?

I have no idea what she did, but the first treatment was really impressive. I could walk so much more easily. Lots of people around me—parents, patients, even my husband—asked me what I had done because it was obvious I was walking much better. I saw it myself and, of course, felt it, but I hadn't done anything. Monica had.

I wanted more… And then came what Monica had prepared me for. She had told me that energy healing was not always an easy ride, and she was right. I was so dizzy I could barely cope with my daily life. 

I experienced really intense symptoms—healing symptoms.


Yesterday—on the 2nd of December—after 6 sessions, I had a completely pain-free day for the first time in a very, very long time! The wonderful thing is—I know that this is just the beginning. Monica has sparked my ability to heal myself and supports me wherever she can. I am infinitely grateful that I met her, and I am so, so, so happy that I finally have my life back. I am super excited to see what is to come. :)”

Ines message from 2nd of December 

“I had NO pain at all this whole actually exhausting day !! I was walking light and easily and free (as we integrated 4 days ago) and very interesting (I cannot understand as I usually am freezing very easily and it then don't get warm anymore for long time) : It was really really cold in the tennis hall, they were freezing, coughing and sneezing and I felt totally comfortable warm, cosy and healthy...

In the morning I did yoga again (it was great) and i really feel strong!!! So strong!!!

Thank you. Thank me thank the universe. Thank god!” 

Desiree's Daughter, US


Desiree wrote to me about her daughter, who was suffering from Mononucleosis (Glandular fever) with severe headaches and several inflammations, including her tonsils and sinuses. That same day I did two sessions for her.


"Good morning, dear Monica, Tonight was the first night she did not wake up drenched in sweat! That’s a great win! She did wake up twice because of severe headaches, but as you already mentioned, that might be a healing reaction to the session for releasing toxins. Overall, she’s doing much better and even asked to take a little walk in the forest later today. 😊 So again, thank you so very much! Please know that my daughter and I gracefully, humbly, and with much gratitude received your help. 🙏😇"


"She is doing very well! She still had some headaches at the beginning of the week, but for the last three days, she’s been feeling just fine! She’s not even as tired as expected, which is said to remain present for a while after the first symptoms dissolve. So truly amazing. I have not yet made the recipes you sent, but I will do so this week. Again, I’m most grateful for your help, your love, and your integrity. 🙏🥰"

Izabela, Italia 

"In January 2023 I was Monica's guest in Splugen (Switzerland). I already knew from her that my main allergen is wheat. One evening we did the test, I ate a tiny piece of white bread (I should point out that my body was already cleansed of wheat by removing through a session and avoiding since than all products containing it). In the morning I woke up with rashes on my face, muscular pains and a gloomy psychological state. 

Monica told me that the cause of this symptoms was wheat, not only because wheat is “good food” for viruses, bacterias and other pathogens, but also because of wheat is my main allergen.

The next day I received a vial prepared by her, with a protective shield against my allergen. On the same evening we went to a pastry shop, and I, with full confidence, ate a pastry that contained the flour. 

The vial had protected me 100 per cent. I had no reaction. Neither at that moment, nor later. 

Now I uses a vial that “protects” me not only against wheat, but also against other environmental toxins (geopathy, environmental pollution, polyphosphates, etc). 

I am very grateful to the universe, the angels, and Monica for these wonderful gifts. 🙏"

Morena, Italia

"This vial is a life changing tool. It helped me to get rid of headache I was struggling  every day the past few years. Words are not enough to express my gratitude for what happened with me wearing it. No more headache, no more depression, no more sensitivity to phones and other environmental toxins."

Alina, Italia

"One morning my daughter woke up with flu-like symptoms. I called Monica to ask if she could help her. She did a session and the same day all my daughter's symptoms disappeared. I had been battling with the flu for months to the point that I was voiceless and coughing all the time. Monica sent me a vial to ware in case of flu. By wearing it in 3 days I completely healed myself, no more coughing and my voice was back to normal. Plus I didn't have the flu anymore."

Maria 72 Years Romania 

Healing and transformation

"Monica helped me heal my self and transform.

I would say that the healing was a by product of my transformation. Is almost a year I work with Monica. I have 72 years and when I’ve started working with her I was feeling that I had no reason to live anymore. 

I was depressed, anxious, sad, angry and despaired, I was feeling useless,  the problem I always had with my heart was getting worse and have to take medicine for that, I also try to take anxiolytics and I felt horrible. I was suffering from synusite, herpes labialis, constipation, incontinence, knees pain, very bad dermatitis on my fingers for years, sever astigmatism since I was a child and cataract diagnosed in 2024, I was overweight and I didn’t enjoy life anymore. 

Working with Monica was life changing for me, I thank her and God everyday for the opportunity offered to me and I thank my self I took it.

The results are incredible for me, I have a new life now. I have no health issue anymore, not even one, I take no medicine since I am working with her and have no symptom, I breath easily and naturally since my sinusitis is gone, I easily and naturally go the the bathroom and also have no more incontinence problems, my knees are perfect now, my heart free and full of love, my fingers are like new, my eyes are clean of cataract and my prescription for astigmatism decreased so much that I can see and live even without wearing glasses,  my eyes are bright and open like they never was, I lost the overweight (almost 20 KG)  and fell free and clear of lot of energies that were making me feel sad, angry, anxious, depress and useless.

All this is life changing but is not the whole story: the most amazing thing to me is that I have discovered myself, what I really am.  I’ve also undrestood that all that happened in my life was nothing less than a blessing, I have learned to forgive and love myself and others, I have learned to feel love and compassion and I feel free to be what I really am. I feel powerful knowing and experiencing that I am the creator of my life, I feel know that everything that happen is the best thing that can happen to me and helps me to evolve, I am able to feel my body and understand its messages, I am able to feel love and I will continue to work to be able to experience more and more love. 

In a few words I change the way I feel and act in my life, I feel to be the person that I love and I feel young, strong and full of energy, I live in love and peace and I know that I am able to create the life I love. 

It was not a easy journey because I had a lot of healing reaction witch if I would not had Monica’s help to understand them I will surly panic and go to search medical help.  I love my life now and I know is never to late to create the life you dream of.  I will always be grateful for this new life and I feel is only the begging…. 

I experience this at 72 Years so now I know that is never to let to change and create the life you love."

Giovanna, 50 Years Old, Italy

Giovanna had been ill all her life (words are not enough to describe all that she suffered from) and was certain she was going to die—convinced that she would never find a way to heal.

I did several sessions for her, and while her body was improving, her mind wouldn’t allow her to see it. Her thoughts were stuck in, “I will never heal. It’s not possible for me because I am too ill.”

I've taught her how to do Dr Joe Meditation, to calm her mind and find wisdom, but she was saying that she couldn’t do it right …

Then, after a simple remote healing session, combined with essential belief integration—“I love myself. I deserve to be healed. I see how my body heals every day. I love my body, I cherish it, and take loving care of it. God loves me.”—she had an amazing experience that same day and sent me this message:

“Hi Monica, sorry for writing to you on Saturday night, but you need to know. I just finished the meditation—Tuning into the frequency of your symbols. When I connected to the seventh center, I felt like a door opened wide, and a wonderful golden energy entered my head and body. I felt the connection with the Divine. What a wonderful thing—it had never happened before. Tears of joy flowed, and I felt energy all around me. 🙏❤️ I’ll heal, Monica. It will take time, but I’ll heal. 🙏

Ramona – 48 Years Old, Italy

A friend referred Ramona to me because she had been suffering from constant headaches for years, which forced her to retire from work. She was also dealing with multiple health problems, including depression, brain fog, memory loss, overweight, constipation, and a swollen ankle that had not deflated for six years, even with anti-inflammatory treatments. No one was having answers for her.

After the first therapy, she was able to live without medication for headaches, even though they hadn’t completely disappeared. She could also go to the bathroom more easily, and her ankle started to deflate.

In just 6 weeks, after 6 sessions, she was completely transformed—free of headaches, her ankle was no longer swollen, she had no more constipation, depression or brain fog, and she lost more than 10kg.

“Thank you, Monica, and thank you to Madonnina because she answered my prayers and helped me find you. I couldn’t live that way anymore, and now I have my life back!”

Maria, 83 Years Old, Romania

Maria was suffering from St. Anthony's fire rash (shingles virus) and severe joint pain.

I did 2 sessions for her, and the rash almost completely disappeared the same day—no more itching and no joint pain.

“Thank you, Mona! God bless you, my girl. I had lost hope thinking that I would have to live with this pain for the rest of my life. Now I am free of pain. God bless you, Mona!”

Alina, 43 Years Old, Italy

Alina had been suffering from hypothyroidism for 20 years. The medicine she was taking started to give her many side effects, including back pain.

In just 2 weeks, after 4 sessions, she stopped taking the medicine because of the side effect she was experiencing, and her thyroid has been working perfectly ever since.

She no longer had back pain, fatigue, or headaches, and she also cancels the surgery required for a lump she had on her hand because the lamp completely disappeared short time after the sessions.

There have been many other improvements, such as a deflated belly, more energy, and the loss of excess weight.

“Thank you with all my heart for all you have done for me. I no longer need to take any medicine, I do blood work every 6 months, and my thyroid works perfectly. I’ve regained the energy I previously lacked. I was exhausted, but thanks to your sessions, I now enjoy my life again. Thank you with all my heart for helping me, and I wish you to help more and more people. Thank you!”

Kaitlyn, US

"Thank you so much, Monica. There is something you should know. I thought you did the healing on Sunday as when I went to bed that night, my dog, Lucy was jumping and playing like a puppy like before she was diagnosed almost two years ago with her heart issue. She was being her silly, cute, healthy self!


The next evening, you had not yet done the healing with my mom, but she had woke up and told me when I called her that evening, that she had a sudden increase in feeling better. I told her you did a healing for her and she was very pleasantly surprised. You had not done the healing yet, per se, but really, I think you need to look at whatever you did for both of them before the remote healing because whatever you did, it really helped.

My mom said it was like she had two bones rubbing together in her back and that stopped. She had so much energy on Monday that she overdid it doing laundry and walking around her house. You have a beautiful gift, my healing friend."

S.B., Holland

"I’m home back from holiday’s. With love and deep respect I sent you my experience and opinion about your treatments. You gave me energy healings on detoxifying my body. The effect of these therapies have been profound on many levels.


First I want to start by telling you are an amazing person! Your caring and unconditional support has touched my heart. To know that someone is willing to help me with my long lasting symptoms was a blessing in the sky. And in that sense it had a healing effect on me from the start. You are a true professional and altruistic energy healer with a pure and kind heart.

You have a profound knowledge and experience with different healing modalities. F.e. Dr. Sue Morter, Medical Medium, Dr. Joe Dispenza.

You are the first to come across that has such a diverse view and hands-on experience in the field of energy work.

You know the different healing modalities in-depth and by heart. And you have applied them successfully to your own healing.

This is so inspiring and trustworthy.

You even have a clear and transparent understanding on which modality works for what symptom’s / life challenges.

This makes your approach very personal and focussed.

I do appreciate you convincing advice and choices in your therapies.

You truly have a clear vision on what works best given my personal circumstances. Or on what doesn’t work.

Next to this you are very much in touch with the personal preferences and circumstances of my context and situation.

All together a true professional and profound intuitional approach in the way you have worked with me.

As for the result of the healing therapies, I don’t know where to start. There have been so many.

After your healings, I had intense lucid dreams in which profound healing messages on soul level were given to me. This gave me hope and comfort about my anxiety for life.

Next to this, my body had multiple detox symptoms as result of the healing. Mainly old symptoms that I knew as a child. Throat infections for days in a row, eye infections (out of the blue) and tooth/gum infections.

I regained flexibility back in my hands. I had days were also the stiffness and pain in my hands where completely gone. Out of nowhere instantly free.

And the number one relief is for my IBS (20 years of abdominal pain). My IBS has been significantly, even so, completely disappeared. Next to this my permanent sense on sadness and disconnection to life is less dominant.

And than there are all the small ’serendipities’ that have occurred in my life. They might seems irrelevant to others but to me they are significant for my sense of hope.

I’m looking forward to proceed with you energy therapies and to be coached by you on healing my heart chakra and working with the modality of Dr. Sue Morter.

With grace and love, Stephanie."

Rita's Testimonial

Agafia, Italia

"She was like an angel that fell from heaven for me...she told me about these therapies...I was incredulous like the rest of us...and little by little I saw my body transforming, I was starting to feel good, my thyroid started to work naturally again like it hadn't for years...and now I say thank you because I was reborn!"

Diana, Romania 

"The protection vial, was life changing for me. Is the only thing that helped me to get rid of a cough that I had been struggling with for a long time. After I started wearing it, the cough diminished noticeably and in a few days it disappeared. I was also able to travel and live my life without getting sick like usually was happening before."

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